Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery 

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom Teeth are the last teeth to erupt in your mouth, usually between the ages of 17 and 25. These third molars erupt during this time to compensate for excessive wear that used to be exposed prior to a modern diet.

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Because our society emphasizes straight, beautiful smiles, there is often times not adequate room in the mouth for our wisdom teeth to erupt without creating overcrowding. This is especially true if you have already gone through orthodontics to achieve that perfect smile.

What Can Happen If I Don’t Remove My Wisdom Teeth?

Aside from the cosmetic repercussions metioned before, overcrowding can prevent the wisdom tooth from having enough room to erupt, thus becoming impacted. An impacted tooth can be very painful and can lead to very serious infection.

What If I Am Not Experiencing These Problems?

Some of the issues a wisdom tooth can cause might not be seen by the eye because the tooth has not erupted yet. A wisdom tooth’s roots get longer as it ages making extraction more difficult, increasing the potential for complications such as nerve damage.

When Should I Remove My Wisdom Teeth?

We recommend removing wisdom teeth by the time the patient is a young adult to prevent future problems and allow for proper healing.

The Surgery

Wisdom tooth extractions are performed under local anesthesia. After surgery it is common to experience swelling and mild discomfort.

Crown Lengthening

Crown Lengthening is a periodontal plastic surgery, gum reshaping procedure in which gum tissue or bone is removed to expose a greater area of the truth structure. This can be used for cosmetic purposes such as minimizing the appearance of a “gummy smile,” or prosthetic purposes such as exposing more tooth to support a crown or a filling.

How Is Crown Lengthening Done?

The gum is reduced or reshaped by removing small amounts of gum tissue in desired areas. The goal is to lengthen the appropriate teeth and create greater symmetry at the gum line.

Am I a Candidate for Crown Lengthening?

Candidates for crown lengthening are those in good general health, specifically those with healthy gums. Those with a gummy smile, decay or a crack near the gum line are also strong candidates. If you suffer from periodontal disease or have insufficient bone you may not be eligible for this procedure.

Gum Grafting

Gum Grafting, also referred to as periodontal plastic surgery or gingival graft, refers to mulitple periodontal procedures which use grafted oral tissues to cover areas of exposed tooth root surface. It can also be utilized to build up gum tissue around missing teeth. Gum grafting is used to enhance cosmetic appearance, decrease sensitivity, and prevent further periodontal recession.

How Is Gum Grafting Done?

After the application of anesthesia, healthy tissue is removed from the roof of the mouth and placed on the site of recession and attached. This procedure can be done on one or multiple teeth.

Am I a Candidate for Gum Grafting?

Those who may be eligible for Gum Grafting are those suffer from periodontal disease, those with insufficient gum tissue, poor dental hygiene, bone loss, missing teeth or those who are dissatisfied with the shape of their natural gums or gums around dental implants.

Root-End surgery

Root-end surgery, also known as Apicoectomy, is a minor oral surgery procedure that is applied after failed root canal procedure & root canal Repeat treatment is not possible because of cemented post-and-core or there is very deeply broken root canal instrument. The procedure is complex and involves removal the tip of the root and surrounding diseased tissue. Root-end surgery is the last resort for tooth preservation.

How is Root-End Surgery done?

The procedure will be performed under local anaesthesia. The Oral surgeon will expose the root end with a small cut into the gingival tissue. The root end will be slightly shortened & surrounding diseased tissue, cyst or over-pressed filling material will be removed at same time. Afterwards the gingival cut will be sutured with few resorbable stitches.

What to Expect After Root-end Surgery?

Following root-end surgery there may be discomfort and/or swelling and bruising. No reasons to worry about this, because it is normal for any minor oral surgery procedure.